
Who Am I

Who am I,  I asked myself

I do not always know

Somedays I try to be another girl

Someone in fancy clothes.

I curl my hair all up

I put on my paint and then

I paste a smile upon my lips

Pretend I’m all-a-grin.

The whole world sees me just like this

All nice and pretty-secure.

But Lord, you see the inward parts

The heart and mind impure.

Thank you, Lord, for sending your dear Son

He cleansed and made me whole

I am your child, You’re my God

That’s all I need to know,

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Meet The Author

Elizabeth Sprehe grew up in a small town where there was very little to do. To pass the time a way she began to doodle, this soon developed into the amazing gift of rhyme. After years of jotting down her poems Elizabeth has finally gained the confidence to share them with you. Please applaud her for  publishing her first book  A New Song at age 79.

Who Am I Reviews

Rhyme time? Do you like poems or little pick me up what some call helpful nuggets? If so, then this is the book for you. If you feel a little down and out or just looking for the right words to inspire you with that jump-start, then Who Am I is a perfect choice.

Who Am I isn’t like a book you have to read to finish all at once it’s one you can read when it calls to you? Who Am I is insightful for just when you need it? Get one, take it home and see today. – Reviewed by Carol

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Elizabeth Sprehe delights us again with her amazing poetry filled with reflection on Who am I. Who are you is the question?

Find yourself in Who am I. Are you an “empty nester” in “the winter of my life” or maybe “January feels like Monday” or “this day is yours”? Wherever you are in life this poetry book will reach out and touch you filling you with joy and hope. – Reviewed by Janet

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