The Missing Jesus Reviews
Cover Design- the cover is simple and colorful It catches the eye and makes the reader want to pick it up and see what it is about. Children would definitely be curious and want to know more about this book. 5 stars
Concept- the idea of a nativity with a missing Jesus is cute and original. It seems like the baby was stolen only to find out that wasn’t the case. Carole teaches children how to pray and what to pray for in the beginning of the book, then she throws in a little mystery with the baby missing only to have everything work out in the end. 5 stars
Plot/Subplot– The plot of the missing Jesus is teaching children how to pray and what they should be praying for. Material things aren’t what you pray for. The subplot is the baby Jesus that is missing. It’s a cute little idea to teach children. 5 stars
Character Development– this book shows the two main characters in a way that children can relate to. Everyone knows a Mr. West type of person. If they are lucky they have one in a neighbor. 5 stars
Entertainment Level- This book is quick read. Children will love it. It is a great way to teach children about prayers and being thankful and keeping promises on what you say you’ll do. 5 stars
Overall– 5 stars. This is a great little story that every child would love.- Reviewed by Award Winning Author Shannon Simpson
A nice children’s book with an understandable writing style for children. – Amazon Customer via Amazon
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