
Sarah in the Greatness Chair

When Sarah learns about the Greatness Chair from Avi during the show and tell at school, she can’t wait to find her greatness too! But she can’t figure it out. Zoe answers her call for help and teaches her how to find the best in herself and her friends with a secret, surprising formula.

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Meet The Author

I believe this is the best way to move forward in today's world - each person understanding and using their special gifts to contribute to an evolving global community-based in mind and heart.

Sarah in the Greatness Chair Reviews

I’ve been learning, using, and teaching the Nurtured Heart Approach (which is the foundation of this book) for nearly a decade–first as a therapist, then as a wife and mother.

My 6.5-year-old son has heard me use it with him and others, including myself!
However, it wasn’t really until we read this book that my son truly started using all of the NHA vocabulary. He hadn’t been in the habit of using the term “greatness,” for example, but the morning after I read this to him he reported to me:

“Mama, I had a dream that I was on a plane, and everyone on the whole plane took turns sharing their greatness.
The engine was super loud so people needed a megaphone.
You and daddy didn’t have a megaphone, so I shared mine with you and daddy.”

This book walks you through the heart of what can happen when we tune into the moment and focus on what is right about a person or a situation, and then give voice to it. It’s a method that can get through the toughest emotional armor, the firmest defenses, and shift the most challenging behavior, because it’s rooted in irrefutable evidence and backed by genuine care.

So much research today talks about the critical importance of even one caring adult relationship in creating resilience in the face of trauma, attachment issues, and adverse childhood experiences. Relationship is key to resilience — yet the Nurtured Heart Approach is one of the few methodologies out there that really conveys the “how to” of relationship and connection with even the most challenging children in our lives.

“The Greatness Chair” is a beautiful way to approach this with your child, and “Sarah In The Greatness Chair” is a gorgeous and compelling follow-up that really helps children connect in this way to themselves as they likely never have before. – Reviewed by LFM via Amazon

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An excellent book for anyone interested in learning, using, and spreading the transformative SARAH technique, created by Howard Glasser of the Children’s Success Foundation! As a Nurtured Heart Approach certified trainer, myself, our nonprofit CHARM was inspired by Dr. Friend’s first book “The Greatness Chair” to come up with a fun activity for our Camp Druzy that would turn the SARAH technique into a verb. Dr. Friend was kind enough to read “The Greatness Chair” to the families with children who were grieving the loss or separation from a parent or close family member. Later we had the children create their own “Greatness Chairs” and we SARAH’ed them, together with Howard Glasser! They all absolutely loved it and couldn’t get enough! Now, with Dr. Friend’s “Sarah in The Greatness Chair” we are excited to now be able to send families home with this inspired book to remember the way they felt when THEY were in The Greatness Chair – and how they, too can teach others a fun and memorable way to give and receive strengths-based praise about their greatness!

~Dr. Heidi Pottinger, Child Health & Resilience Mastery (CHARM) Founder & Executive Director – Reviewed by TP via Amazon

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This is such a sweet book with fantastic illustrations. As a trainer of the Nurtured Heart Approach (which this book is based on) and on this journey to deepen my awareness of the NHA, this book was very helpful. It provided an easy and clear way to bring the concept of “greatness” into my family. – Reviewed by Joshua W. Sappenfiled via Amazon

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Learn to see and deeply appreciate what’s going right, with the help of this engaging little story book. Children will love the story and the beautiful artwork, and parents will get just as much out of it as their kids do. – Reviewed by Marcie via Amazon

I recommend this book for any person who is using the Nurtured Heart Approach with children. It is a great resource and tool to have to help recognize the greatness in any child! – Reviewed by Toby M. via Amazon

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This is one of the books that, in my opinion, belongs into every household with children! Together with her first book “The Greatness Chair”, Dr Friend has found a wonderful way to introduce easy ways to change our perspective away from focusing on children’s (people’s) problems towards their strengths. By adapting words and a simple but strong technique from the Nurtured Heart Approach®, the book gives the reader an opportunity to feel how easy it can be to honor each other. Beautiful illustrations support Sarah’s journey towards the discovery of her own greatness. – Reviewed by K.F. Scotland via Amazon