
Rocky, I’m Loved Even When I’m Bad

Rocky, was rescued by Mrs. S. but she didn’t know just how bad he could be. Rocky is radical, rebellious, and rambunctious. He chews shoes, steering wheels, and steel doors.

Will Mrs. S. keep Rocky or take him back to the shelter? Find out if Mrs. S. loves Rocky even when he is bad.

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Meet The Author

Ts Koelling is an award-winning, best-selling author who owns the WMP Multi-Media Network. With a storyteller's heart, she crafts tales for children that are long-remembered and read-often because children love her characters.

Rocky, I’m Loved Even When I’m Bad Reviews

Cute story every child needs to read. – Reviewed by Tammy K. via Amazon

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Cover Design: The cover has bright colors and a playful looking puppy on it. In a see of other children’s books, it would definitely stand out. 5 STARS

Concept: Koelling spins a unique tale of a dog who doesn’t know how to behave but finds he is still loved by Mrs. S. Children will find this book easy to read and to connect with. 5 STARS

Plot/Subplot: The plot of this book is the main character, Rocky and his problem being good. The subplot is the teaching children that they are still loved even when they have been bad. 5 STARS

Character Development: Rocky is told in a way that the reader can’t help but love him. 5 STARS

Entertainment Level: Children will love this book! It is fun and entertaining while teaching children they are always loved. 5 STARS

Overall, I give this book 5 STARS – Reviewed by Award Winning Author, Shannon Simpson via Amazon

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This little story gives you insight into how much trouble one single little puppy dog can get in especially a rescue. They need a lot of love and patience to succeed. You never know what their history may be at times. Are these dogs like Rocky loveable?

Are they worth the time, effort, and mess?

This is a perfect story for bedtime or anytime to read for yourself and or your children before getting a rescue dog. They have stress and problems just like we do, and it just may be their only way to cope without enough positive attention. – Reviewed by Carol

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In this book, Rocky gets into a lot of situations where he is not being a good dog, but his owner always loves him. And this is a very good book to teach our children that even if their behavior is not good, we will always love them no matter what. – Reviewed by Michelle

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Rocky is such a naughty dog. He chews up a sofa, a car, even his own crate. Mrs. S. Gets mad, very mad but she still loves Rocky.

This story teaches children that they are loved, naughty or bad. That their parents like Mrs. S are not going to abandon them. Wisdom fills the pages of this new ever when series. Kudos to the illustrator for their clever drawings and to the writer. Truly a treat. – Reviewed by Janet