

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant demands of being a woman? Have you ever regretted your behavior in certain situations?  Have you ever blamed God for your decisions? Yes, to all the above! Why don’t we be more honest – a lot of us have answered yes to these questions. We forget that we can only control one thing —ourselves. We forget to stop taking life so seriously and laugh at our own faults.  Instead, we laugh at each other and break ourselves down in the process. It’s time to share our sisterhood in Christ and eliminate the competition we create by replacing it with love. You are not alone. Find a quiet space, grab a pen, and let’s get started bettering you.


Meet The Author

Ever been embarrassed by your own behavior? Ever feel overwhelmed by the constant demands of being a woman? Ever forget your God-given purpose? Yes, yes, and yes. We all have. We forget our job is supposed to be simple. Life gets so serious we forget to laugh at our own faults and embarrassing moments. Instead, we laugh at each other and break ourselves down in the process. It’s time to share our sisterhood and eliminate the competition we create by replacing it with love. This is not who God called women to be. Remember who God said you are. Remember that most of us face the same struggles. If you ever needed a reminder that you are not alone - here it is. Remember, realign, and refocus! Let’s talk, laugh, and reflect on why God made women in the first place… because we are special. He saw that men needed women, not the other way around sista’! So why do we forget that? This book offers a sure reminder of that too. Find a quiet space, grab a pen, and let’s get started bettering you.