
Jamie Shai and His Superpower

With great challenges comes a child who found his superpower. Born with Cerebral Palsy and incredible challenges, unable to eat, walk or talk, Jamie found a way to make people ‘feel’ and for people to see him, to know him, lighting up a world in need of more love and laughter. There are such great positives that exist despite one’s challenges.  It’s so important to embrace children who are different and for the world to really see them and show just how awesome they are. Jamie has the power to show you his heart and soul, to light up your world, to slow you down and make you think, to change your day. Jamie has rocked our world, and in ways we could never have imagined.   He has, in more ways than we can count, been our greatest inspiration.  We all want the best and most we can give our children to give them the best start in life.  Sometimes plans turn out a little differently, and sometimes we are all the better for it and our eyes are opened to a world we never dreamed of or expected but are so incredibly grateful for. My heart burst with a million emotions when Jamie realized his superpower. By Lara Nathan


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