Brian L. Alvis

Growing up in the small village of Kell in Southern Illinois, Brian showed an interest in the arts at an early age. His first query into expression came in the form of writing. Eventually turning those words into song lyrics he became the front man for a successful touring band. After several years, the musical career slowed. Brian went to college, then a few different cooking jobs here and there. Throughout this time writing remained a constant.
After a decade of writing short stories and poetry, Brian’s first publication came in a local magazine and later he self-published a short story teaming up with photographer Robbie Edwards. Partners in art and life, they reside in Southern Illinois and continue to progress as artists together.

Born 1975
Category Children
Language English, German

Author's books



The people I’m going to tell you about in this story are long gone.  The winds of Time have blown miles of dirt over their graves.  History left them behind, lore and legend never got it correct.  This story needs to be told, I’m sure that I am the only one left alive that knows it.  All that’s left are my memories and some old faded pictures.  I don’t have much time left, so here is the true story of my family, the Little Rose Gang.