
The Greatness Chair

Avi is a typical boy having an ordinary day full of corrections and negativity by well-meaning grown-ups. When he reaches his limit and blows up, he ends up in the time-out chair, where he falls asleep. In his dream, he learns the secret of the Greatness Chair and brings his newfound wisdom back to his parents.

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The Greatness Chair Reviews

This little book is a delight! The premise of this children’s book (for all ages) is to remember that we all can change the way we look at things. It is true that metaphorically we fall asleep to wake up! The little boy wakes up to great knowledge of managing himself with others especially those in his family. The book is simply written and can be understood by even the smallest of children. The pictures are fun to look at and the meaning will encourage one to look at life differently. – Reviewed by Kyra Becker via Amazon

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I had a 5-year-old child ask to be read this recently and her mom (a special ed teacher) read it to her while I was prepping her for neurofeedback. I believe you have changed the lives of many from that ONE reading. Her mom is now much more complimentary to her daughter, and I am anticipating that it has carried over to her school activities as well. Thank YOU! – Reviewed by Jackie via Amazon

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This story is touching on many, many levels. I saw myself in Avi, the little boy who is instructed by well-meaning adults to be on time, to clean his room, and stop running so fast (he might knock someone over). As frustrated Avi falls asleep in a chair, he finds a Greatness Chair. In this chair, the magical reversal of every negative label about Avi illustrates the Greatness that Avi is. The charming illustrations are a joy. This picture book is a profound lesson for ALL ages—Bravo to Kathleen Friend. – Reviewed by Nisha Manek via Amazon

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I just read my own copy of this beautiful book and have sent copies to my daughter and daughter-in-law to read with their children. This book has an important message AND is fun to read! The story flow easily and has beautiful illustrations. Children and adults alike will benefit by finding out how to recognize specific ways in which a child is great within the context of mistakes and frustrations. This book offers a real and easy- to-relate-to story with a simple and practical suggestion for how to set up a Greatness Chair routine that brightens our hearts and outlook. I highly recommend this book to all parents and grandparents. – Reviewed by Denise Runyon via Amazon

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I love the message in this book! The story and pictures tell it so beautifully. This is a must-have for any household with children, plus it’s a helpful reminder for adults as well! I bought 4 so I could give some as gifts and keep one for myself. – Reviewed by JM via Amazon

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I am an advanced trainer for The Nurtured Heart Approach as is the author, Kathleen Friend. This is a work of brilliance to put the concepts of The Nurtured Heart Approach® in this story telling format. I have a Greatness chair in my waiting room (I am a mental health counselor) and start sessions with parents telling me the greatness of the week of their child. I have shared this book with the families, and they immediately ordered the book for themselves, that is how quickly and powerfully this book is. Dorothy Derapelian, M.Ed., Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Certified Advanced Trainer for The Nurtured Heart Approach® and creator of Core Attachment Therapy©: Secure Attachment for the Adopted Child – Reviewed by Dorathy Darapelian via Amazon

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Kathleen Friend’s book is inspired! As a prenatal and perinatal psychologist, I am always ready to recommend new ways for children to heal — and to deal with challenges. This book does both! Instead of a “time out,” children are encouraged to find what is good about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and transform their negative perceptions into constructive beliefs about themselves. What a great way to raise self-esteem, needed so much among our cherished children. – Reviewed by Susan L. Highsmith via Amazon

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I love how simple it is and how it is so applicable. I’m a psychiatrist who sees children and so now when I see a child, s/he likes to sit in the greatness chair and tell me about their greatness. Parents also like to apply the greatness chair at home. It shifts the focus of my visits with the patients and their parents about focusing only on the negative behavior to promoting and nurturing other innate qualitative that are so easily overlooked and shadowed by the unwanted behavior. Highly recommend both books for parents and teachers! – Reviewed by Nesrin via Amazon

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The illustrations are colorful and engaging, enjoyable for children and adults. I shared this book with my grandniece, she wanted to make every chair in the house a greatness chair and drew me a picture. I’m a retired teacher and this would be a meaningful and fun book for a teacher to write a lesson or even a unit about. If you are looking for a special book to share with one of your young, loved ones, this is it! – Reviewed by Heartdance via Amazon

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This is an excellent story for showing that perception can change it all. This wonderful, typical boy learns to be proud of his greatness and his parents learn a lesson, too. A must read for parents and children together. Maybe sitting in a great chair. – Reviewed by Mrs. Maryann K. Harman via Amazon

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I am a therapist who works with parents and children. I am also getting my PhD in child and adolescent developmental psychology. I read this book for the first time today and plan to reference it in the work I do. I also plan to read it to the therapists I work with. I was moved by the accuracy and honesty of how life is for neurodivergent kiddos and how we can take a strengths-based approach when helping them (and us) grow. Beautiful! – Reviewed by Patty Williams via Amazon

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Dr Friend shows us a powerful alternative to continually trying to fix what is “wrong” with a child, focusing instead on what is amazing. – Reviewed by Babbo via Amazon

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I just finished reading “The Greatness Chair” to my First Grade Grandson on Face Time. I had read it to him once before, in person, before the pandemic. I was surprised that he remembered so much of it. Obviously, it had made an impression on him. We both enjoyed how the central character was able to “re-view” his actions of the day in a more positive light. What a great thing for a child and adult to learn! – Reviewed by Pam D. via Amazon

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I just received and read The Greatness Chair. It is miraculous! I wish I had it when I was working, but I have young grandchildren who will most definitely benefit. Thanks, you so much for writing it. Many thanks – Reviewed by Gail Shinberg via Amazon

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I look forward to reading this with all the grand children in my family circles, and their parents. With the Greatness Chair Kathleen Friend has created a dear little engine of truth and love. I trust it will generate confidence and a reminder of the self-esteem that some young humans have been made to forget. – Reviewed by Merl via Amazon

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A lovely book! Perfect for my grandchildren! – Reviewed by Sue B. Herring via Amazon

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Our family loves “The Greatness Chair” for it’s simple, clear, and loving message. It reminds adults of the negativity that can easily seep into our communication with the children we love so dearly – and the unintended impact it can have on them. Such a quick and sweet way to remind us of what matters most… seeing the gift that children are and the importance of reflecting their greatness back to them so they can see who they really are! 🙂 – Reviewed by TW via Amazon

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Beautifully illustrated and written simply to appeal to children of all ages. I love that I can apply the technique to my own Inner Child and play with it with my kids at the same time! Just read this last night. Looking forward to reading this to my kids and making it a regular bedtime routine so they’ll sleep well loving themselves and one another a little more. – Reviewed by Kindle Customer via Amazon

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I love the message of this book! I wish it had been available when my children were little, it would have improved my parenting. But it’s never too late for the next generation! I’m giving this as a gift to my clients and family members with young children this holiday season. – Reviewed by Amazon Customer via Amazon

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A refreshing empowerment parenting strategy to use the idea of a ‘greatness chair’ to up lift and recenter a child rather than a consequence or time out approach. I love this book and use it in my pediatric occupational therapy practice! – Reviewed by Donna Abler via Amazon

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Kids can really relate to this book. Me too! Moves along at good pace and attractive illustrations for pre-school kids. Yet touches on real felt experience and “deep” enough for grade school and above. BGC, PhD, teacher – Reviewed by BGC via Amazon

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The Greatness Chair is GREAT! Highly recommended! Excellent for improving a positive mental and emotional attitude in children and improving their self-esteem! – Reviewed by Amazon Customer via Amazon

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It is a joyful & delightful quick read. It is considered a children’s book, but it has a profound truth that anyone of any age can learn. I enjoyed it and will recommend it to my friends & patients. – Reviewed by Ralph Harvey via Amazon

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Book was interesting and insightful. Our kids found it interesting and paid attention. – Reviewed by Douglas A. Wood via Amazon

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Gives such a simple way to make such a big difference in the lives of not only children but adults as well – Reviewed by Kristi Hargrove via Amazon

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I loved this book! It is ostensibly for children, but the positive psychology principles and reframing is timeless and there are great lessons for adults too. The illustrations are gorgeous!! All in all, a wonderful little book!!! – Reviewed by Yashoda Bhasker via Amazon

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Awesome book my kids loved it. – Reviewed by Vickie Lea via Amazon

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Our toddler loves this book, beautiful art, and a wonderful story. – Reviewed by Amazon Customer via Amazon

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In a vast ocean brimming with children’s literature, a rare and most valuable treasure has
emerged. Forgive the cliché, but if there’s a lump in your throat after reading “The Greatness
Chair” by Dr. Kathleen Friend, you’re only human. And that is precisely the point. Dr. Friend
proves to be “A FRIEND INDEED” for parents in need. In a fast-paced world where parents are
stressed and children are overstimulated, overmedicated, and undernourished (physically and
emotionally), “The Greatness Chair” offers a chance for parent and child to CONNECT in a most meaningful way.
“The Greatness Chair” is not a “fairy tale” though its protagonist does happen to be a fairy
named Zoey. But it’s not about the fairy and it’s not about the chair—it’s about the greatness
that lies within young Avi and it’s just waiting to be cultivated. It’s about the “greatness” within
all children that too often gets stifled even by “well-meaning” parents.
“The Greatness Chair” is not just a book, it’s a revolutionary idea, one which we can only hope
will galvanize a movement—a movement where parents learn to be parents again, nurturing,
teaching and even learning from those wonderful blessings from God—their children.
“The Greatness Chair” shows us a simple yet powerful way to make parent-kid relationships
GREAT again! – Reviewed by Amanda Wilson via Amazon

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The idea presented in this book that by focusing on what’s going right in any situation can lead to extraordinary outcomes, is something that all parents, teachers and even business owners should consider. This simple, yet profound story should be in every school library and every home that has a child. Outstanding! Posted by Marie’s husband, Enrique Feldman, Founder, Global Learning Foundation – Reviewed by Marie via Amazon

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This book is a beautiful and entertaining introduction to the very practical “greatness chair” technique that you can use with your friends and loved ones. I certainly recommend trying it out at least once and seeing what happens. Thankfully, the author’s storytelling makes learning how to do it a lot more fun than reading an instruction manual! – Reviewed by Resounding Yes via Amazon

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This book is more than beautiful and fun for kids – it teaches kids a way of seeing the world differently. It moves them from beating themselves up to focusing on what is great about themselves and the people around them. It’s so simple, and they get it. It is non-religious but captures the spirit of love perfectly – love for oneself, and love for one’s neighbor. I should probably recommend it to some of the negative and judgmental adults I know as well! Rev. Steven Winn, Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Fairfield IA – Reviewed by Steven Winn via Amazon

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Wonderful book and necessary message by a beloved child psychiatrist. Highly recommend as a great birthday present or stocking stuffer for ages 5 and up. Beautiful text and inspiring illustrations. Great for adults, too!!! – Reviewed by Book Reviewer via Amazon

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This book is absolutely precious. If you are a nurtured heart, you will love the ease of language in this story. Perfect intro for teaching kids while getting to read an amazing story. –Reviewed by Katryna via Amazon

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This beautiful book contains an important message for caregivers and children alike. It helps us see the perspective of the child in a way that shifts the paradigm from blaming children to understanding that behaviors are only the tip of the iceberg. I highly recommend! – Reviewed by Mona Delahooke via Amazon

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I absolutely love this book. I get emotional each time when he starts seeing his day
in a positive light. The illustrations are beautiful, and I love the message that no matter how bad things go, we are still worthy and have offered great things to the world just by virtue of being us. – Reviewed by George Dinkins via Amazon

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The story is compelling, and the artwork is engaging and beautiful to look at. Little Avi discovers that even in the midst of his challenges, he possesses valuable strengths and character qualities — what we refer to in Nurtured Heart Approach® as Greatness. And his dad learns that people respond better to being shown how to grow what’s right about them than they do to criticism of their flaws and mistakes. – Reviewed by Marcie via Amazon

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I highly recommend this book for any person who wants to build up their child’s inner wealth. This is a great resource and I encourage you to buy it if you are using NHA in your home/classroom/practice. – Reviewed by Toby M. via Amazon

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This is a lovely book for young, primary school age children about what happens when they get good feedback instead of unintentionally negative comments from the adults in their lives. An example of an unintentional comment would be – ‘stop running in corridor!’ instead of ‘it is great that you have so much energy, but it would be safer if you slowed down’. A simple but effective intervention. The book was written by an American author, and this is reflected in the language used but I believe it stands as it is for a UK market. If I had the money, I would buy a couple for every primary school in the area and wish I had had access to it when my children were small. – Reviewed by Mrs. Jane Duncan via Amazon

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My granddaughters loved reading this book and we chatted together afterwards about how simple it easy to turn a negative response into a positive response. The book is written in American English and as a result, the occasional word confused them, but this was not a problem and did not detract in any way from their enjoyment. – Reviewed by Amazon Customer via Amazon

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An absolutely perfect way one could turn a bad day and discipline into a much-needed positive reinforcement with your child or children. It will gently guide you to make the punishment of a time-out into a learning experience without your child even knowing it.

You know where they say to turn a frown upside down it becomes a smile. Well, it just may be The Greatness Chair could work under the same principle. This book makes a quick bedtime or anytime read so enjoy. – Reviewed by Carol

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Avi is having a bad day. From when he wakes up to go to school to returning home his day, well it just sucks! Sent to sit in the corner, Ari dreams about the Greatness Chair, a chair where all his good qualities shine.

Captivating illustrations highlight this well-told tale that every parent needs to read. Yes, every parent needs to buy and read this book and keep it on hand to remind them how great our children are. Coming soon is adventures in the Greatness Chair for teachers. If it is as great as this book, is it should be given and read by all children across the nation. – Reviewed by Janet